In South Australia, there are many resources and support services for new arrivals to help with settlement, promote cultural diversity and community participation.

Skilled & Business Migration have collated a list of organisations that may be able to assist you on your arrival in South Australia, however we encourage you to continue your own research and find the best services to suit your needs.

Migration settlement services

  • Australian Migrant Resource Centre: AMRC provides settlement services and community capacity building through training and employment initiatives.
  • Adelaide Connected: Helps to connect people with networks and organisations that can help make the transition to Adelaide easier.
  • Community Corporate: Helps to connect skilled migrants to employment through recruitment, training, and community engagement.
  • AMES Australia: Provides humanitarian settlement support as well as skilled migration service.
  • MACSA:  Muslim Australian Connections of South Australia MACSA provides support services and information for new arrivals to help adjust and settle into a new country.   
  • Multicultural Communities Council of South Australia: MCCSA provides support services and information for new arrivals to help adjust and settle into a new country.
  • Adelaide City Care: Offers free on-arrival Meet and Greet service and hosts a Welcome Dinner for newly arrived migrants.   

Community Events

South Australian local libraries and councils can be a good starting point to access information about what is going on in your local community. Libraries also offer free computer access and free internet access.

Social Groups

There are websites and apps that you can use to meet locals according to your interests, and help you connect to different kinds of groups in your region.