Skilled & Business Migration can assist skilled migrants to connect with industry and recruiters to find work within their area of expertise.

Understanding the local labour market and where your skills fit is essential to competing effectively in the South Australian job market.

Researching the state's industry sectors, trends, and skills in demand can help you connect with the right companies and apply for suitable jobs that meet your talents and experience.

Recruitment consultants can help job seekers find suitable job opportunities by matching their skills and experience with the needs of employers. They can assist with refining resumes and preparing for interviews as well as providing career advice. Consultants are engaged by the employer to source relevant candidates, and they may specialise in certain industries or sectors. 

To build a positive relationship with a recruitment consultant, make sure you are clear about the types of roles you are interested in and your goals. Be open and honest about your skills and experience to build trust, and maintain regular professional communication. It is important to listen and take the advice of the consultant as they will provide valuable insights into the job market, and how to best present yourself to potential employers.  

Networking improves your chances of finding a job by helping you make connections in the industry you are targeting, especially as many jobs are not advertised.

Making local contacts helps to build your understanding of the local employment market and provides a great opportunity to meet prospective employers, mentors and access resources that will support your career development.  

Formal job search networking 

  • Attend professional networking events, association meetings & conferences. 
  • Search sites such as Eventbrite and Humanitix for events near you.  
  • Develop a list of potential employers and connect with them. 
  • Connect with professionals in your industry through Industry Bodies and Professional Associations, This will develop your understanding of Australian occupational standards and legislative requirements, provide professional development, and build your knowledge of the local workplace culture.    

Informal job search networking 

Have a professional online profile   

  • Use online platforms to connect with professionals. Keep your profile clear and concise. 
  • Use LinkedIn appropriately and to its fullest. 

Search and apply for relevant jobs with professional and targeted job applications. 

Your application must be tailored uniquely to each role by addressing the selection criteria in the job description.


A resume is your marketing tool to communicate your value to potential employers and win you an interview.​ This document should include your:   

  • Skills and knowledge 
  • Relevant work history and achievements 
  • Education​/qualifications 
  • Industry Accreditation​ 

Cover letter

This is an introduction to a potential employer, highlighting your interest in the job and how your skills and experiences make you a suitable candidate. It complements your resume by providing context and elaborating on key selection criteria, helping you stand out from other applicants. 

Employers use cover letters to screen applicants and determine which candidate they would like to interview. Your cover letter should​: 

  • Emphasise your interest in the role and company 
  • Demonstrate your suitability for the opportunity (address selection criteria, skills, experience, knowledge, attributes) ​​ 

Selection criteria

Skills, knowledge, experience, qualifications and other requirements in the job description that an employer has defined as essential criteria for the role.​ The employer may require these to be addressed within the cover letter or as a separate document, so it is important to carefully follow application instructions given. 

A good job application alone does not land you a job. It helps you to get a job interview. 

Develop your interview skills to articulate your suitability in your answers using great interview techniques to win that job. 

Interviewing is an important step in the employee selection process to find out: 

  • What you have to offer (your skills, abilities, knowledge) ​ 
  • Who you are (personality, character, interests) ​ 
  • Why you should be hired (you have what they are seeking) ​ 
  • Try to determine whether you will be an asset to the organisation. 

They also want to see how you present yourself, how you handle pressure, how you can communicate and how you connect with the panel.  It is also an opportunity for you to find out more about the organisation and the role.​

Fact Sheets
For further support, or information on working in Australia. View our available Fact Sheets.

Understanding Visa Holder Work Rights
Australian Values & Workplace Culture
Resume Writing
Job Application Tracking System